Remember your first time visiting a dispensary? All the awe and wonder surrounded by “what do I do?” Whether you’re new to the wonderful world of cannabis or a seasoned user, visiting a dispensary should be an exciting, enjoyable experience. To ensure a splendid adventure, we wanted to share with you our dos and don’ts when visiting a cannabis dispensary.

Be Respectful
Treat Budtenders and other team members with respect and courtesy. Being kind is free and takes little to no effort. It also helps fill your karmic bucket with warm globs of positivity.
Be Open Minded
If you know exactly what you want, awesome! You’ll be in and out in no time. If you’d like some recommendations, come with an open mind and be ready to learn, ask questions, and listen to the expertise of the Budtenders. They are there to help guide you to the products that suit your needs.
Research and Prepare
It’s time to drop a Goog and research local laws regarding cannabis quantities and regulations. All dispensaries require identification to prove you are eligible to purchase the goods. If the dispensary has additional discounts, you may be asked to provide additional information like a medical card or student ID. Know before you go so you arrive prepared and ready to rock!
Follow the Rules
Each dispensary may have its own rules and guidelines, like no photography in-store or handling of the merchandise. If you’re unsure if it’s cool to do something, just ask.
Be Brave
Don’t get stuck in a rut! It’s super easy to buy the same thing over and over again. You know what you want, and that’s cool. But, sometimes we gotta feed that little gnome inside of us that asks “should I try something new?” The answer is yes! Be brave, try something new. Budtenders can lead you in the right direction – tell them what you currently partake in and they’ll give you the best advice for your next elevated adventure.
Bring Your Pets
This might be only applicable for Trove Cannabis but we LOVE it when you bring your pets into the store. Whether you have an elderly beagle, a spiky bearded dragon, or a hoofed creature, as long as it’s well behaved, bring ‘em in! We love our furry, scaly, feathered, and slimy customers!

We don’t mean to harsh your vibe, but there are some important don’ts when it comes to visiting a dispensary.
Consume On-Site
Most dispensaries prohibit the use of cannabis on their premises. Be a good weed steward and wait until you are in an area where it’s legal to consume and away from public areas.
Be Shy
Part of a Budtender’s responsibilities is to answer questions about products and effects. No question is a dumb question unless it goes unasked. There’s absolutely no shame in not knowing the lingo, so if something needs further clarification, just ask! If you have a potentially embarrassing medical + cannabis related question, talk with a medical consultant on-site. Trust us when we say they’ve heard it all; from hemorrhoids and cramps to libido and sexual dysfunction. Nothing to be embarrassed about – we’re all human. (At least, at this point we are.)
Be Grumpy
Don’t put up a fuss if you get asked for ID – it’s literally the law and part of the shopping experience. Even if this is the 3,067th time you’ve visited the dispensary, you may still be asked to provide ID. It’s absolutely nothing personal, they’re just doing their job.
Be Odoriferous
We’re just going to put this out there; no dispensary wants to be the B.O. police, but sometimes it’s warranted. The only thing that should put off odor is the sticky icky. Nothing ruins an experience quite like the onslaught of stinky body fumes including overpowering cologne or perfume. Come bland, leave glad.
Prices are non negotiable. Under no circumstances should you try to haggle the price down on products. Budtenders do not set the prices and cannot give you additional money off other than eligible discounts and deals. If your dispensary is out of your price range, try a dispensary with everyday low prices, like Trove.
Hate on Others
There’s no reason to hate on others, especially their choice of products. What works for you might not work the same for others, and vice versa. If you have something negative to say regarding someone else’s purchase, kindly keep it to yourself. You know, the whole if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all sorta thing.
Buy For Minors
There are many reasons not to buy cannabis products for minors including IT’S SUPER FUCKING ILLEGAL. Don’t be that person that puts a minor’s life at risk or your freedom. It’s not worth it and we’ve heard that prison sucks.
By following these dos and don’ts of dispensary etiquette, you can ensure a rad and respectful experience. So let’s all be chill, open minded, kind, and law abiding citizens of the cannabis cosmos.