During the colder months, have you ever tried to hit your vape and nothing comes out? IT’S MADDENING! You can clearly see there’s plenty of oil left. You know for a fact your battery is charged. You suck and suck and nothing. Nada. Ziltch.
During those moments, your frustration is palpable and nothing will help the situation except for a Weed Wizard to come in and save the day with some sage advice.
We’re that Weed Wizard.
As temperatures reach the “holy shit, it’s cold” lows, we need to be extra mindful about how we store our weed products so we don’t find ourselves spiralling with frustration.
In the PNW, we’re no strangers to cold temperatures. We’ve got it good in the summertime but other seasons can surprise us with temps hovering around frigid AF. Whether you’re a flower fanatic, vape virtuoso, or edible enthusiast, we’ve got you covered with our guide to keeping your stash fresh and frost-free.

The Impact of The Cold
Cannabis is a delicate plant and its quality and potency can be greatly compromised by extreme temperatures. Exposure to freezing cold can make trichomes brittle, causing them to break off and reduce the potency of your flower. And trust us, you want those trichomes in tact because they contain our favorite THC (the element that makes you hiiiiigh). Similarly, excessive cold can alter the texture, flavor, and effectiveness of concentrates and edibles. On the flip side, heat fluctuations can degrade cannabinoids and terpenes, diminishing both the flavor profile and overall efficacy.

How to Store…

We gotta start with the OG-est of all cannabis; flower. Cold weather is great for cannabis as it reduces the risk of mold. That being said, don’t go tossing your nugs in the freezer. Freezing temperatures will damage those trichomes leaving you with a less potent batch. Ain’t nobody got time or money for that!
Store your flower in an airtight glass container and keep it in a dark, cool spot – somewhere between 60-70°. Think kitchen cupboard or a drawer, but not your outside storage shed or garage.

Your cart is like that one friend that absolutely HATES the cold weather, but won’t admit to it because they’re a trooper and don’t want to bring the vibe down. Freezing temperatures can cause the oil in carts to thicken (or even separate!) making your hits non-existent or less than enjoyable. Avoid leaving your vape in your car overnight or anywhere that’s cold.
Store your vape upright (ALWAYS!) at room temperature. This will help the consistency of the oil and keep your device from clogging.

If there are any products that can withstand the cold, it’s the concentrates. But let’s not go wild and claim they love the cold – they can just tolerate it a smidge more than the rest. Too cold and they’ll become brittle and hard to handle. Too warm and you’ve got a very sticky mess to deal with.
Store your concentrates in parchment paper or a silicone container, then place them in an airtight glass container. Keep the jar in a dark, cool place with temperatures around 50-60°. This way you’ll preserve both the potency and consistency.

Pre-rolls are like the unsung heroes of convenience – always ready for action, no prep required. But, in cold weather, they’re as fragile as your Grandma’s tchotchke cabinet. The chill can make the paper fragile and the flower inside might dry out leading to uneven burning and an all-around disappointing puff.
Store your pre-rolls in their original tube or airtight container, and store them in – you guessed it – a dark, cool place. If you’re feeling fancy, throw in a humidity pack to keep it fresh and ready-to-puff.

Edibles may seem like a low-maintenance treat, but they too are sensitive to colder temperatures. Freezing your gummies or baked goods will most certainly alter their texture and flavor. Freezing chocolate might sound tempting too, but you run the risk of losing that oh-so-important potency.
Store your edibles in their original packaging or an airtight container in a (say it with us) dark, cool place and avoid freezing unless the package specifically recommends it.

Whether you’re using lotions, balms, or oils, remember that extreme cold can mess with their consistency and effectiveness. Oils can solidify and creams may separate if they freeze and that repeatedly.
Store your topical at room temperature and away from windowsills or drafty spots. A bathroom cabinet or dresser drawer works perfectly.
So what’s the takeaway from this post? Store your cannabis infused goodies in an airtight container in a dark, cool place – unless otherwise recommended on the package. We want to ensure you get the best thrill from your bill, so if you want your weed to remain intact and as potent as possible, follow our lead.