Author: Amy W.


Budtender Pick of the Week: May 12, 2016!

This week:  Owner Yin and Manager Caroline pick Illuminations by Verdelux! Caroline says, “Verdelux produces high quality infused edibles using only the best ingredients, and this is apparent in both the taste and the effectiveness of the edible. I choose the Illuminations when I want a…


Bud Tender Pick of the Week, May 1st!

This week:  Bud Tenders Kaitlyn and Alessandra pick OG Wreck by Sub-X! Kaitlyn says, “OG Wreck has an amazing piney taste and smell, very relaxing high.” OG Wreck is a sativa-dominant hybrid flower testing between 17 and 26% THC!  This strain is known for a sour skunky aroma and…


Mount Baker Gardens!

Hello everyone! Today we’re discussing a vendor recently introduced to our shelves that has become incredibly popular, Mount Baker Gardens! Established in 2014, Mt. Baker Gardens is a local, Bellingham-based tier 3 grow operation with both indoor and sun-grown cannabis.  Their growers have more than…


420 Specials Today!

Hello everyone! We’ve got some amazing deals for you today, in celebration of cannabis’ biggest holiday, 4/20!  Stop into Trove today to check out these incredible specials. $4.20 grams from SunLite:  White Rhino, Purple Arrow, and Jack White! $4.20 edibles!  All our $5 edibles have been…


Bud Tender Pick of the Week: April 18th, 2016!

This week:  Bud Tender Kinyon picks Nightfire OG by Trail Blazin’ Productions! Kinyon says, “Nightfire OG is a strong sativa that makes me feel excited, like a little kid.  Really enhances my mood and energy levels.”   Nightfire OG is a sativa flower testing at…


Bud Tender Pick of the Week: April 1st, 2016

This week:  Bud Tender Moe picks Pink Lady Kush Wax by Subdued Excitement! Moe says, “I love the pine flavors that this oil produces. The body high is great but not super sedating, so I find that this oil is great for daytime and nighttime…


A Timeline of Cannabis 1900-Present

Hello everyone! When I first began researching the history of cannabis, I discovered what a huge undertaking this would be! Cannabis has been used by humanity for thousands of years, and has been cultivated and traded all over the world. So, for the purposes of…


Bud Tender Pick of the Week: March 28th 2016

This week:  Bud Tender Moe picks Bubba Kush by Cascadia Gardens! Moe says, “This bud looks absolutely beautiful!  Deep purple and green tones with a covering of large trichomes.  It tastes amazing and provides a great, relaxing body high.” Bubba Kush is a powerhouse indica for relaxation, sleep, or…


Glossary of Cannabis Terms

Hello, everyone! Here at Trove Cannabis, we want all our customers to be comfortable and informed when it comes to their cannabis purchasing options, and with that in mind we’ve decided to make a series of educational blog posts to help our customers who may…


New Article: Bud Tender Pick of the Week!

You asked for it, and we listened!  From now on, you can find the latest Bud Tender’s Pick of the Week in our newsletter and on our website! This week:  Bud Tender Kaitlyn picks Alien Kush by Mt. Baker Gardens! Kaitlyn says, “It’s a potent…


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